Transaction Description
In December 2017, Gemstone Capital organized a Private Placement of approximately DKK 2 million to a premoney valuation of approximately DKK 20 million in Stenocare. The Private Placement was registered on Erhvervsstyrelsen in January 2018. The capital raise was conducted before the legislation regarding the four-year Programme was approved and before Stenocare had received the license to cultivate and produce medical cannabis.
Contact Person
Company Description
Stenocare is a Danish pharmaceutical company founded in 2017. Already the following year, Stenocare became the first Danish company to obtain permits to cultivate, import, and handle medical cannabis oils in the Danish pilot Programme. Simoultaneously, Stenocare is the first Danish company to have obtained approval for medical oil-based cannabis products for the Danish pilot Programme. Today, Stenocare operates in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, the UK, and Australia.
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