All Transactions
We execute various transactions that vary in type, size, and structure. Explore them here.
Rights Issue
A rights issue allows existing owners of a company priority to invest further in the company, if desired.
Directed Issue
In a directed issue, the existing owners’ pre-emptive right to subscribe for shares is waived, making it typically faster to implement than a rights issue.
When preparing for a listing, a company may seek to raise capital for growth and diversify ownership among shareholders, often opting to conduct an IPO (Initial Public Offering).
Warrant Exercise
Companies can issue warrants, which grant investors and employees the opportunity to subscribe to new shares at a potentially favorable price later.
Transactions involving mergers and acquisitions (M&A), encompassing the purchase and sale of companies.
Debt Financing
Capital can be raised through debt, with transactions such as convertible loans and bridge loans being common methods.